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Survey Said - Survey Respondent

Available as both a PC program and Java Applet (Survey Said Enterprise Edition)
 and as a leading edge JAVA 1 and JAVA 2 Applet, - (Internet Survey Machine).

In a Nutshell

What differentiates the Survey Respondent from other survey tools for collecting respondent’s answers is its interface and automatic features. The Survey Respondent PC program and Java Applet are just two of the methods of collecting respondents answers for inclusion into the survey database. Other methods include paper surveys and Internet HTML form surveys.

Survey Respondent - Most Significant Features

  1. Administer surveys in any of the following ways; by touch screen, by kiosk, by portable PC, by diskette, by local area network, wide area network, by hardcopy, or by Internet.

  2. Supports Skip Patterns, Automatic Question Advance, Customizable image backdrop.

  3. Rapid data entry capability provides for multiple methods to answer questions.

  4. Supports Customizable image association with any or all questions within a survey.

  5. It is so easy to use, it's perfect for respondents to enter their own answers. Examples include sensory panels, trade shows, kiosk environments, Internet and more.

  6. WYSIWYG visual presentation based on the Survey Creator development screens.