Survey Said SE/EE Reference Manual
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The Survey Said 1, Survey Said 2, and Survey Said 3 packages can be
installed on a local drive or a network drive on a PC file server. When
these packages are installed on a network file server, they can be shared
among administrators needing access to the Survey Said programs. Access to
the programs is automatically metered by the Survey Said software.
Additional concurrent administrator licenses can be purchased to allow
multiple administrators to share the single copy of the software which
has been installed on the file server.
The Survey Said package can be installed on a WEB server, if the WEB server
is running Windows or Windows NT. This facilitates making the HTML survey
form generated by the Survey Said Internet WEB options available to the
Web server. It also facilitates getting the posting file that contains the
respondents answers to the Web survey form. If Survey Said for the WEB is
not installed on the Web server, then the survey form, and posting file
can be transferred to the Web server using whatever method is available
including options like; FTP, a share drive, NFS, e-mail, or copying the
files to a diskette. Your system administrator can provide you with the
options supported in your environment.
In addition to installing the Survey Said software,
sample surveys may also be installed. These surveys can be used
as examples to familiarize the administrator with the question
and survey creation stages.
To install Survey Said
- Start Windows
- Insert Disk 1: Setup Disk into drive A or drive B
- Choose Run from the Windows File menu
- Type a:setup (or b:setup if drive B)
- Choose Full Install - Standalone and First Time Server Installations click on Next
- Specify installation directory and click on Continue
- Select sample surveys and click on Continue
- Select Survey Said Program Group name
- Select Survey Said Resources Group name
- When installation is complete click on Finished
Install Additional Administrators to share Survey Said installed on a network drive.
To Give a PC Access to a Network Copy of Survey Said:
- Check the drive and directory where Survey Said resides on the server
- Verify this PC has network connectivity to the file server and network drive
- Verify the user has appropriate access rights and permissions (i.e. ReadWriteCreate)
- Start Windows on the networked PC
- Insert Disk 1: Setup Disk into drive A or drive B
- Choose Run from the Windows File menu
- Type a:setup (or b:setup if drive B)
- Choose Icons Only - Access Survey Said 2000 Installed on Server - click on Next
- Select the server drive and directory and click on Continue (Survey Said Enterprise Edition also supports using a UNC rather than a Mapped Drive).
- Select sample surveys and click on Continue
- Select Survey Said Program Group name
- Select Survey Said Resources Group name
- When installation is complete click on Finished
Important: In a network environment, the survey files must be set to READ/WRITE/CREATE for administrator access. These survey files include ; filename.SDB, filename.RDB and filename.TDB.
The Network Entry Station directory defaults to \SURVEYS. This can be changed to your preference, but should not be installed into the same directory as the Administrators copy of Survey Said because it will replace the administrators license file. Once the software is installed, you may change the working directory to the administrators copy, but it may not be desirable to have the Network Entry Station have direct access to the survey files. It is recommend to use the Distribute function in the Survey Creator program and move the survey files to the Network Entry Stations directory, and then copy them back upon survey termination for analysis.
The Standalone Entry Station is a single user license program and should be installed on a local drive. Follow the instructions provided after running setup on the Standalone Entry Stations installation disk.
Copyright © Marketing Masters 1991-2001