Survey Said SE/EE Reference Manual
The Survey Creator program is used to manage your questions in Surveys. It is used to facilitate all aspects of creating surveys and setting survey options. When the Survey Creator is used to create or open a Survey, additional survey parameters are available including; setting survey specific Options, setting Grid / Matrix style questions and defining Skip Patterns.
A Survey may be navigated one question at a time by clicking on the scroll bar arrows, using the Page Up and Page Down keys, or using the F7/F8 keys. The Previous - Question - Next scroll bar option allows one to move through the survey in large jumps by moving the scroll bar slider. The question number display updates as the slider is moved.
The Survey Creator is used to create Surveys directly without having to create a library of questions. The Survey Creator can even import questions from other Surveys to create new Surveys.
Run the SURVEY CREATOR to create a survey. When creating a new survey the "Create Survey" form requires a file name be entered. The file name must be a valid MS-DOS file name. Once the Survey has been created, use the Add button to enter new questions into the survey. The SURVEY CREATOR assigns a file extension of SDB to all surveys created. An example might be SERVICE.SDB for a service related survey. You only need to enter a valid DOS file name (8 characters maximum) preceded by optionally specifying the disk drive and path name.
Using Question Keywords
Question keywords are abbreviations or short summaries of questions which are used to recognize
them at a glance. For the question "How did you select company XYZ?" the keywords might be
"Select-How". Every question is required to have an associated keyword which facilitates question
recognition for table, graph and printed reports. Question keywords are also very useful when viewing
frequency, banner and cross table analysis. Question keywords may be up to 32 characters in length,
but because of the limited space on the graphics screen, we recommend you keep keywords short and concise.
Run the SURVEY CREATOR to create a new survey. There are three ways to create a survey. The following step by step instructions detail each method.
1st Method - Manual Question Entry
2nd Method - Merging Existing Questions
1st Method Create a new survey from the File menu and begin to Add each question directly into the survey.
The main screen Print command allows questions in the survey to be output to a printer. Surveys can be printed by opening the appropriate survey file and selecting the Print Survey Option. Initial printer selection and setup is chosen under the File menu option Printer Selection. To print a survey form:
Additional Information
Survey questions may be output to a file in text format. The questions may then be imported into other packages like word processors for specialized survey formatting. The questions may also be imported into other survey packages like telephone interviewing software for specialized applications. To export survey questions:
The search facility allows questions to be located by keyword or by typing in a partial keyword or phrase. The questions text, answer text and/or questions keywords text can be searched, simply by checking the appropriate check boxes on the search form.
To search an existing Survey for a question:
The Edit Option feature allows the administrator to set or change survey options. Comments, Respondent ID and Categories are typically not changed once a survey has begun. The Kiosk timer allows a time out timer to be enabled. If enabled, the program resets the survey if no response is received within the duration specified. The duration can be set from 1 to 60 minutes. This feature is useful in cases where the respondent walks away from the survey without finishing. Any answered questions are discarded if the timer expires and resets the survey. A warning is issued if the timer expires and allows the respondent 15 seconds to acknowledge a request for additional time. The Kiosk Keyboard option presents a pseudo keyboard for open ended questions. This allows a respondent to answer open ended questions on a touch screen without having to type on a real keyboard. Skip patterns must be enabled in addition to being defined. See Creating Skip Patterns for more information. The Automatic Advance option if set to yes, automatically presents the next question on the screen once a single choice question is answered. This feature is very helpful for telephone type interviewing or data entry for printed surveys. Automatic Advance is not recommended for surveys where respondents are entering their answers directly using the Survey Respondent program.
The three options at the bottom of the form, allow for customization of the Survey Respondent program. These options are valid for the stand alone respondent, network respondent and mail diskette packages. The first check box allows the respondent to print a copy of the survey with their answers. The second check box allows the respondent to backup through the survey by clicking on the Previous Question command. The third check box allows the respondent to see which question they are answering and how many questions there are in the total survey.
Survey Access Code - Allows a password to be required to answer a survey when using the, Survey Respondent program (Network and Standalone Entry Station, the Mail Diskette or the Java Internet Respondent). For HTML surveys the access code is check during import processing, not after submission.
Survey Options Form
The three options at the bottom of the form, allow for customization of the Survey Respondent program. These options are valid for the stand alone, network and mail diskette packages. The first check box allows the respondent to print a copy of the survey with their answers. The second check box allows the respondent to backup through the survey by clicking on the Previous Question command. The third check box allows the respondent to see which question they are answering and how many questions there are in the total survey.
Editing The Survey Options:
Additional Information
1. Comments are implemented on a per survey basis. The comment feature allows a text area into which respondents comments can be recorded. Comments are not associated with a specific question. On a printed survey, the comments section appears at the very end of the survey. On an electronically presented survey, the Enter Comments command appears on the Survey Respondent screen. This command can be selected by the respondent at any time during the survey. 2. Respondent ID may be used in conjunction with or independent of categories. For example a main category might be city with a sub category of TV station and a Respondent ID of TV personality. The Respondent ID may also be, for example, a test subject in a product testing situation. While categories are predefined by the survey administrator, the Respondent ID is a free format text field input at the time the survey is answered.
Define Skip Patterns Screen
Additional Information
1. If a "skip to question" is left blank, the next question in the survey is displayed when answering the survey. Therefore it is not necessary to define a "skip to question" for every possible answer. It is only necessary to define a "skip to question" when the next question in the survey is not the question you want the respondent to answer based on how they answered the current question.
2. The "If not answered skip to" prompt can be set to its own question number. This forces the respondent to answer the question or the Survey Respondent program will not advance to the next question, the respondent receives a message that says Answer Required.
Define Matrix Screen
Additional Information
1. Matrix questions are grouped by highlighting a group of questions (keywords in the listbox). The first question in the group can be a Block Text type of question. When the HTML form is created it will span the width of the form. The questions that are grouped under it will become part of the Matrix.
2. A matrix of questions is separated by a question that is not part of a contiguous highlighted group or keywords in the listbox. If you need to logically separate blocks that would normally run together, you will need to insert a question in between the groups. An example might be something like:
That concludes part 1 of this survey. The next section regards your satisfaction with our services.
The questions in a survey can be reordered. The reordering option is useful to group questions in a different fashion or to reclaim space in a survey where questions have been cleared. When a survey is reordered, it is locked for exclusive use. Other administrators will not be able to access the survey until the process is complete.
To reorder a question Survey:
The Merge option allows questions to be "Copied" from one survey to another survey. To merge or "add" questions from one survey said file to another, simply open the survey that is to receive the "Merged" questions from another survey. The merged questions will be added to the end of the file already opened. If the original file should be left intact, then create a new survey that is to become a superset of questions by merging multiple surveys into the new survey. The questions in the new survey will be numbered in the order in which they are merged. By using the Merge Survey and the Reorder Survey features, custom surveys can be built and tailored to meet specific requirements. When a survey is Reordered, it is possible to eliminate questions by not selecting them (placing them in the Questions Selected listbox). If fewer questions are selected for reordering than are in the file, they will effectively be "trimmed" from the new file.
To Merge Survey Files:
The Clone survey feature allows the administrator to open an existing Survey Said survey and create a new one either "just like it" or to use a "subset of the existing questions" to create a new survey that is similar to it.
To Clone a Survey:
The Distribute option is used to move a survey from the administrator's survey directory, to the respondent's directory or to a diskette that can then be copied to a Standalone PC or a network file server where the PC LAN Respondent or Network Entry Station is installed. It can also be used to create a complete working Mail Diskette also known as "Survey by Diskette". The Distribute option always creates an unanswered copy of a survey. The resulting survey files are created in either the administrator specified directory or on diskette in drive A or B. Any associated BMP files are also transferred. For the Standalone option the survey administrator needs to copy the answered survey files to a diskette or backup device and bring them back to the PC that has the administrators copy of Survey Said on it. These files can be copied directly to the administrator's Survey Said directory, or, the data can be imported into a consolidation survey file if multiple Standalone PCs were collecting survey data. The Mail Diskette option requires the individual diskettes to be processed and imported by the Survey Analyzer program.
Generating a Distribution Survey:
Copy distribution files to the respondent's directory (Standalone Option)
The respondents directory name will vary depending on where the respondent
software was installed. By default, the Standalone Respondent option is
installed on drive C: and in a directory named SURVEYS. The Network Entry
Station is installed on a Network Server drive in a directory also named
SURVEYS by default.
The Mail Diskette option allows surveys to be answered through the mail on a diskette and then returned for analysis. The Export Mail Disk A or B menu item provides the means for transferring a copy of the survey to a diskette. The Mail Disk A or B items are chosen based on the disk drive which is to receive the survey. If you have purchased the Mail Diskette option please refer to the Chapter - Using the Mail Diskette Option.
The Generate HTML Survey and the Generate JAVA Survey automatically generates the necessary files to administer either Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the standard Internet file format or JAVA survey file, the standard Internet programming language. If you have purchased either of these Internet Web options, please see the Chapter - Using the Internet Web Package.