Survey Said SE/EE Reference Manual
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The Survey Analyzer provides the following functionality:
- Graph, preview, and print survey analysis
- Review and change respondents answers
- Print and Export the respondents answers
- Validate and Void the respondents answers
- Locate specific respondents survey answers
- Reset - Initialize an entire survey database
- Consolidates Mail Diskette and Internet Surveys
Note: Each survey is a self-contained set of files including:
- filename.SDB (survey questions and option settings)
- filename.RDB (non-verbatim responses, verbatim pointers)
- filename.TDB (verbatim, multi-field, and ranking responses).
Survey Analyzer Main Screen
Edit Responses Screen
To Review/Edit an individual respondents answers:
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Edit bar and click on Respondents Answers
- Click on the scroll bar to locate the specific
- respondent number or use the search facility
- Click on the Review Answers button (top right)
- The Survey Question Review form will appear
- Use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate
- Answers may be changed by making new selection
- When finished reviewing a specific respondent
- Click on Close - Moving to another respondent or
- closing the Edit Respondents Answers screen
- will ask for confirmation of any changes made.
To print an individual respondents answers:
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Edit bar and click on Respondents Answers
- Click on the scroll bar to locate the specific
respondent number or use the search facility
- Click on the Print Answers button (far right)
- Select Margins, Fonts & Size, Option, etc.
- Click on OK to print or Cancel to Abort print
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Edit bar and click on Respondents Answers
- Click on the scroll bar to locate the specific
respondent number or use the search facility
- Click on the Void Response button (far right)
- Although the Current Respondent Information
fields has changed to Void, the record is not
actually Voided until the confirmation message
is answered when the form is closed or a new
respondent record is selected or retrieved.
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Edit bar and click on Respondents Answers
- Click on the scroll bar to locate the specific
respondent number or use the search facility
- Click on the Export Answers button (far right)
- The Export Survey Data form will appear
- Select the appropriate options on right side of form
- Click on OK to Export or Cancel to abort the export
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Edit bar and click on Respondents Answers
- Click on the Validate Answers button (far right)
- All respondents answers will be validated for
range and length depending on question type
- Caution - if any invalid answers are found, a
prompt is issued to Void the Respondents
entire survey - NOT just the invalid answer!
This option will clear all respondents answers from the survey.
Note: Once the answers are deleted they cannot be restored unless
a backup of the survey is made by the survey or system administrator.
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Edit bar and click on Reset Survey database
- Two Warning Messages will be given that all of
the respondents answers in this survey are about
to be deleted. To continue, answer yes to both.
The analysis selection from the main screen offers six options;
Frequency, Banner, Cross Table, Ranking (as 2-way Frequency),
Multi-Field (as 2-way Frequency and Verbatim) and Verbatim. You
may select a different analysis type once the Analysis form appears
for any of the numeric analysis.
Percent Calculations
The percent values that appear on reports when either Previewed or
Printed can be calculated on eligible respondents or only respondents
that answered the question.
Printing Averages and "Top Two Box"
When printing a Frequency Analysis report, an option box is available
to print the Averages and the total count for the top two choices.
The administrator must specify which two choices for each of the
applicable question types the top two choices are. Either the first
to choices (1 & 2) or the last two choices (i.e. whatever the interval
is set to and the interval - 1 choice).
For Frequency analysis, eligible respondents is the number of
respondents that met the category and respondent settings. Only
Respondents that answered is the total number of respondents that
actually gave an answer for the question.
For a Banner and Cross Table analysis, the primary question percents
are processed similar to Frequency percents. However, eligible
respondents for the secondary questions percent also requires that
the Primary question is answered. Only Respondents that answered is
the total number of respondents that actually gave an answer for the
secondary question. This also requires that the primary question be
answered. The tertiary question of a cross table follows the same
pattern. Eligible respondents pass all tests up to and including
having answered the secondary question. Only Respondents that answered
the question is the sum of the respondents that actually answered all
questions and met the category and respondent ID settings.
For Ranking and Multi-Field analysis, eligible respondents selected at
least one answer for the question. However, they may not have ranked
all items or filled in an answer for all fields in a multi-field
question. Only Respondents that answered the question are considered
for each possible answer.
Note: Multiple Choice of Multiple Answers can have percents reported that greatly exceed 100% when summed for all possible answers to a question. This is because the total is based on respondents and each respondent can select multiple answers.
To perform a Frequency analysis on survey response data and generate the corresponding reports:
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Analysis bar and click on Frequency
- Select Graph, Preview or Print the analysis
- Note: All appropriate questions are automatically selected
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Analysis bar and click on Banner
- Identify a primary question and click on Select Question
- Repeat procedure for up to four additional dependent questions
- Select Graph, Preview or Print the analysis
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Analysis bar and click on Cross Tabs
- Highlight a primary question and click on Select Question
- Repeat for secondary and tertiary questions
- Select Graph, Preview or Print the analysis
Cross-Table Analysis Screen
Cross-Table Analysis Graph
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Analysis bar and click on Ranking - Frequency
- Select up to 5 ranking type questions to be analyzed
- Select Graph, Preview or Print the analysis
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Analysis bar and click on Multi-Field (Numeric)
- Select up to 5 multi-field numeric type questions to be analyzed
- See note below to set the Grouping Interval for Multi-Field questions
- Select Graph, Preview or Print the analysis
Multi-Field Analysis Screen
Note: only Multi-Field questions will appear in the Question Selection box that have been defined as Numeric Only
by the Survey Creator.
Note: The Grouping interval can be manually overridden by typing in a
value from 2 to 101. The Grouping Interval specifies how many groups
the answer will "fall into". An example would be a percent question.
Suppose the minimum value allowed was set to 0 and the maximum was 100.
The Must Equal value was also set to 100. Rather than have the analysis
report each percent (101) possible (0-100) inclusive, a grouping
interval of 4 could be set which would yield 4 bars in a chart for
example which would range from: (0 to 25), (26 to 50), (51 to 75),
and (76 to 100).
To perform Multi-Field verbatim analysis on this survey see the next
Verbatim analysis consists of searching either open-ended questions
or a respondents comments for selected words or phrases. Keyword
lists can be automatically built by the Survey Analyzer on a per
question basis or manually created by the administrator. Keyword
lists can be sorted alphabetically or appear in the order they are
found/entered. A keyword list can be saved to a file and retrieved
at a later time for verbatim analysis.
Once the keyword list is built, an analysis can be performed. The
analysis can be Previewed, Graphed or Printed. Verbatim analysis
options include "Count Multiple Instances" and "Word Boundary".
If the Count Multiple Instances check box is checked, then all
occurrences of the keyword or phrase are counted in a respondents
answer. If Count Multiple Instances is not checked, then if the
word or phrase is found, it is counted only once per respondent
per question, even if it appears several times in their response.
The Word Boundary option is useful for distinguishing between
complete words versus a word within a word or a number within
a number. An example of a word within a word would be die and
diet. Suppose die were in the keyword list, and a respondent
used the word diet in their answer If Word Boundary is checked,
die would NOT be counted as an occurrence. If Word Boundary is
not checked then die would be counted as being found and cause
the frequency count to be incremented by one. Another example
would be counting the occurrences of numbers. Suppose an answer
could range from 1 to 10 for a multi-field question type. If word
boundary is NOT checked, the analysis will find and count a 1 in
an answer of 1 but it will also find and count a 1 in the answer
of 10. When doing verbatim analysis on numeric answers, Word
Boundary should probably be checked.
To perform Verbatim analysis on survey response data and generate
the corresponding reports:
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Analysis bar and click on Verbatim
- Select either Comments or Open Ended questions
- Select a Question(s) if Open Ended analysis was specified
- There must be some keywords in the Verbatim Analysis Keywords listbox
- This list can be built automatically by the Survey Analyzer by clicking on the Build Keywords button, Input manually, or retrieved from a previously saved keyword file.
- Select options for Instances Count, Word Boundary, and Keyword alphabetic Sorting
- Select Graph, Preview or Print the analysis
Open Ended Analysis Screen (Verbatim)
To Copy and Paste Tables:
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Analysis bar and click on the analysis of choice
- Set options for desired analysis
- Click on Preview
- Decide whether all text or a portion should be copied to clipboard
- If not all, drag cursor over text to identify portion to be copied
- Click on edit
- Choose Copy Selected Text or Select All and Copy
- Text sent to clipboard
- Run application software to be pasted to Select Paste
To Copy and Paste Graphs:
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Analysis bar and click on the analysis of choice
- Set options for desired analysis
- Click on Graph
- Select the graph form options to produce the graph to copy
- Select Print on the Analysis Graph form, Print Options form will appear
- Click on the Send to Clipboard option on the Graph Print Options form
- Click on OK and the graph will be sent to the Windows Clipboard
- Run application software that is to receive the Survey Said Graph
- Select paste - the graph should now appear in the applications screen
The Print Respondents option allows all respondents to be printed in
a survey format. The main and sub categories can be specified as
well as the respondents ID, allowing for subset control of the data.
To print all respondents:
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Print bar and click on Respondents
- Select question Print Range - initially set to all
- Choose a Font Name and Size
- Set margins using the scroll bars next to the paper
- Set margins using the scroll bars next to the paper
- Select Report Categories if desired
- Click on Print Return Address if desired
- Click on Keyword instead of question text if desired
- Click on Keyword instead of question text if desired
The Print Comments and Open-Ended option generates a report of all
verbatim comments and responses for all respondents in all main
and sub categories. If no comment or response was provided by the
respondent their ID is not printed. Specific categories may also
be selected to restrict the report to fewer responses. Individual
open ended questions can be selected for verbatim reporting as well
as selected categories.
The Verbatim responses can be segregated by a single choice of multiple
answers question type. This allows the answers to be sorted out by age
or gender or some other answer. Possible questions to be used for
sorting are available in the Grouping pulldown listbox.
To print verbatim comments and open-ended responses:
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the desired survey and click on OK
- Pull down the Print bar to Verbatim
- Click on Comments or Open-Ended as desired
- For open-ended, select the desired questions
- Optionally, select a question for grouping responses
- Select categories to restrict responses or choose all
- Select Font Name and Size
- Set margins by clicking on Spin command buttons
- Select Print Address if desired
- Click on OK to start print the verbatim responses
The Export Survey Data option creates an ASCII file,
which is TAB delimited, for import into target applications
such as spreadsheets and databases. The order of the fields in
this file are:
1. Answers to questions starting at no.1
Once the data has been imported into a spread sheet
or database it's query and report writing capabilities may be
used to enhance data analysis. To effectively make use of this
option you will need a working knowledge of the target application
and the format of the export data file created by the Survey Analyzer
program. The Survey Analyzer program will automatically generate
a path and a file name with an appended extension of EXP. If
there are multiple choice of multiple answers in the survey being
exported, you may elect to have the multiple choice responses
compressed into a single number or expanded into multiple comma
delimited fields. See the Additional Information section.
To Export Survey Data Into Target Applications:
- Start Windows
- Double click on the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open A Survey File
- Select the survey response data to be exported and click OK
- Pull down the Export bar and click on Export Survey Data
- Select Categories and Respondent ID
- Choose Export Options and Click on OK
- Pull down File bar and click on Close A Survey File
- A copy of the survey data now resides in a file named filename.EXP
Getting Survey Said Data Into Other Applications
The following scenario details how the exported Survey
Said survey data would be imported into Microsoft EXCEL. Similar
procedures would be followed to import the data into other databases,
spreadsheets, and statistical analysis packages. Survey Said data
does not have to be imported into the optional Survey Stats package,
because it directly reads the Survey Said native database.
To import survey data into target applications:
- Run the target application (i.e. MS EXCEL)
- Pulldown the File option and click on Open of the EXCEL menu
- Select the survey file that was created using the Survey Analyzer; Export - Survey Data option. This is by default the filename.EXP file.
- Once opened, EXCEL will prompt for additional information on how to interpret the file's structure. Click on Delimited.
- Click off TAB (which gets set by default) and click on Comma. This instructs EXCEL to process the exported Survey Said respondent data as Delimited - Comma.
- Click on finished, and the data will appear in cells of the grid structure of a spreadsheet.
Additional Information
- If survey data are to be exported and then imported
back into a survey file, both the numeric and verbatim responses
must be exported and the multiple choice answers must be expanded.
- For multiple choice of multiple answers, the
data are exported to an ASCII text file as in the following example.
The column Answers Selected shows the actual multiple choice
answers the respondent selected. The Answers Compressed column
shows the compressed value in the export file. If the Compress
Multiple answers options was not selected on the Export Data form,
the export data ASCII file would contain the numbers shown in
the Answers Expanded column. Note the following example had the
rating interval set to seven and therefore seven digits are expected
regardless of whether no answers were selected or all answers
were selected.
Answers Answers
Selected Expanded
1 1,0,0,0,0,0,0
2 0,1,0,0,0,0,0
3 0,0,1,0,0,0,0
4 0,0,0,1,0,0,0
5 0,0,0,0,1,0,0
6 0,0,0,0,0,1,0
7 0,0,0,0,0,0,1
1,2 1,1,0,0,0,0,0
1,3 1,0,1,0,0,0,0
1,4 1,0,0,1,0,0,0
1,5 1,0,0,0,1,0,0
1,6 1,0,0,0,0,1,0
1,7 1,0,0,0,0,0,1
3,6 0,0,1,0,0,1,0
1,3,4,6 1,0,1,1,0,1,0
1,2,3,4,5,6 1,1,1,1,1,1,0
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1,1,1,1,1,1,1
In this example question 5 and question 8 have been
defined as multiple choice questions. Questions 5 shows an answer
of 45 which means choices 1,3,4 and 6 were selected. If this data
were not compressed and if the interval for question 5 is 6 and
the interval for question 8 is 7, then the response line in the
file would appear as:
Expanded Expanded
answers answers
When response data are output to an ASCII file the
following rules apply; If multiple choice answers are NOT compressed,
then each multiple choice answer will always contain a digit for
each possible response. For example, interval = 7 then 7 digits
are output to the file, even if all seven possible answers are
not selected. Also note that answers "read" from the
left being the first option and the right most being the last
option defined. Below are some additional examples.
Multiple choice questions showing expansion
Interval Answers Selected Answers Expanded
2 1 1,0
2 2 0,1
2 1,2 1,1
3 1,3 1,0,1
4 1,2 1,1,0,0
4 1,2,3,4 1,1,1,1
6 1 1,0,0,0,0,0
6 1,3,5 1,0,1,0,1,0
7 1,4,7 1,0,0,1,0,0,1
7 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1,1,1,1,1,1,1
3. Use single line TAB delimited to export to another package.
4. Use multiple lines for responses for ease of reading.
Survey questions may be output to a file in text
format. The questions may then be imported into other packages
like word processors for specialized survey formatting. The questions
may also be imported into other survey packages like telephone
interviewing software for specialized applications.
To export survey questions:
- Start Windows
- Double click on the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the survey to be exported and click on OK
- Pull down the Export bar and click on Export Survey Questions
- Set options
- Click on OK
- Pull down File bar and click on Close
The Import Survey File option, imports survey data from a survey created by the Survey Creator program. The file extension is .SDB. It is used to consolidate multiple survey files, typically when multiple stand alone PCs are collecting respondent information for a single survey. When the survey file is first created (and void of responses) it is copied to the PCs which will be collecting the respondents answers via the Survey Respondent program.
Once the survey file is populated with answers, it can be copied back to the PC which is to have the consolidated survey data file. When copying the file to the PC where it is to be analyzed, be sure to copy it to a different directory or copy it to a file with a different name, so as not to overwrite the master survey file.
To import a survey file:
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the survey to receive the data and click on OK
- Pull down the Import bar and click on Another Survey Said Survey
- Select the appropriate survey file to import
- Click on OK
- Click on OK Merge on the Merge Survey Data form
This option consolidates survey data from a flat ASCII file with
a survey file created by the Survey Analyzer program. The format
of the ASCII import file is TAB delimited. It allows flexibility
regarding the source of survey data. When an ASCII file is imported
to a survey file, it must pass two integrity tests. The first test
checks the entire file and verifies that there are the proper number
of fields for each respondent. This test simply counts the number of
commas which separate the expected fields and generates an exception
report. The second test verifies the answers are within the proper
limits or acceptable ranges. This test also generates an exception
To import ASCII Survey Data:
- Run the Survey Analyzer program
- Pull down the File bar and click on Open
- Select the survey to receive the data and click on OK
- Pull down the Import bar and click on TAB Delimited ASCII File
- Select the import file and click on OK
- Click on Yes to import data
- Imported data may now be analyzed and reported
Additional Information
1. It might be useful to enter a single respondents answers into the
host survey file using the Survey Respondent program and then use the
Export command to create an .EXP file. Use this .EXP file as a
template to input the rest of the survey data, or compare it to the
file that will be imported for correct field definition.
2. Do not include any commas in verbatim responses as those are
interpreted as field delimiters and will give an incorrect number
of responses present. You may, however, simulate a carriage return
in a comment response by including two tildes input as ~~.
Import MAIL DISK A or B
The Mail Diskette option allows surveys to be answered through the mail
on a diskette and then returned for analysis. The Import Mail Disk A
or B menu item provides the means for entering the survey responses
back into one consolidated file. The Mail Disk A or B items are chosen
based on the disk drive importing the data. If you have purchased the
Mail Diskette option please refer to the Chapter - Using the Mail
Diskette Option.
Process Postings
The Import Internet Survey option imports data from Internet
respondents. If you have purchased the Internet Web package, please
refer to the Chapter on Using the Internet Web Package.
Copyright © Marketing Masters 1991-2001