Survey Said SE/EE Reference Manual
Copyright © Marketing Masters 1991-2001 All Rights Reserved
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The Survey Respondent program presents survey questions
to respondents for their answers. In most applications this will
be done electronically by interfacing with the questions on screen
through either a mouse device or a touch screen setup. In these
environments the captured response data may then be quickly and
easily analyzed and reported. Alternatively, responses may be
collected on paper surveys. These must then be manually entered
using the Survey Analyzer program, or scanned and then imported
into the system.
Survey Said supports a variety of different question/answer
types. The following outlines how to answer them;
1. Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Numeric Rating, Ranking and Dual Scale
These question types are answered by selecting from
a fixed set of choices. The answers work like toggles. Select
it once to choose it, select it again to reset it. For these questions,
answers are preceded by a gray square button labeled with a number
or a letter, select the answer by any of the following:
- Click on the gray button preceding the answer
- Click anywhere on the answer text to select it
- Type the letter or number on the gray square
2. Scroll Bar for Relative Impression
Another answer input type is a scroll bar. Slide
the scroll bar indicator to a position between the extreme rating
labels to indicate your choice. This is a relative type indicator
which allows you to express your answer by the position of the
scroll bar indicator.
3. Text Boxes for typed in answers (Verbatim/Open Ended)
Text boxes require a typed response using a keyboard.
Select the text box by positioning the cursor on it and clicking
the mouse or use the tab key until the text box receives focus.
Answers may also be input by using the "Kiosk Keyboard"
for touch screen systems (if enabled).
Once paper survey responses have been completed and collected, the
answers may be entered into the system for analysis by one of two
First, depending on the number of surveys, the
responses may be manually entered by using the Survey Respondent
program. The answers are input to each question and upon completion
the system can be instructed to save the answers and the procedure can
then be repeated for the second, third and fourth surveys etc.
The Second method of response input would be to scan the surveys
into a comma delimited ASCII file. This file can then be imported into
the survey being answered using the Survey Analyzer Import ASCII File option.
- Run the Survey Respondent Program
- Click on Select Survey
- Choose survey if choices are offered and click Continue
- Click on Start Survey
- Answer the question presented
- Use Previous-Next to navigate the survey questions
- Change answers at any time while in the same survey
- Click on Finished Survey when completed
- Select Save Answers
- (if enabled) Print Answers? click Yes, choose print settings and click on OK
- System auto resets and is ready for next respondent
- Click on Exit when all respondents have answered
- Run the Survey Respondent or Custom Icon
- Click on Select Survey
- Choose survey if choices are offered and click Continue
- Click on Start Survey
- (if enabled) Type in Respondent ID and click OK
- (if enabled) Select Categories and click on Accept
- Answer the question presented
- Use Previous-Next to navigate the survey questions
- Change answers at any time while in the same survey
- Click on Finished Survey when completed
- Select Save Answers
- (if enabled) Print Answers? click Yes, choose print settings and click on OK
- Click on OK to dismiss the Thank You Form if visible.
Additional Information
- Respondents may enter comments if the comment
option was selected during survey creation. To enter comments
click on the Enter Comments button. Type in the comments text
box and click on Return to Survey.
- If a respondent has not finished a survey, the
Return to Survey option is available.
- To answer Single and Multiple choice questions,
Click on the Letter preceding the answer, or, Click on the Answer
text, or type the appropriate letter preceding the answer on the
Customizing The Survey Respondent's Opening Screen
The opening screen can be changed to display any
bitmap graphic specified in a file named GLOBAL.BMP. This file
is a standard MS-Windows bitmap file and can be generated by programs
including MS-Paint.
The optimal dimensions for this file are 636x400
pels (pixel elements) as specified in MS-Paint. If the GLOBAL.BMP
file exists in the same directory as the Survey Said for Windows
program, it will be displayed.
To customize the Survey Respondent opening screen:
- Start Windows
- Double click on Accessories and select Paintbrush
- Pull down Options and go to Image Attributes
- Select pels and set to 636x400
- Create your custom image
- Save the image in the Survey Said directory as Global.BMP
Customizing Survey Specific Opening Screens
Additionally, for each survey a specific bitmap opening
screen can be defined. This bitmap file is bound to the same
specifications as described above. It will have the same filename
as the survey created and will have an extension of BMP. This
file must be in the same directory as the .SDB, .RDB and .TDB
survey files. If the survey specific bitmap file is present,
it will be displayed as a backdrop until the survey is started
at which time it will be hidden.
To customize a survey specific opening screen:
- Run the MS-Paintbrush or graphics program that
- is capable of generating a MS bitmap file (i.e. .BMP)
- Pull down Options and go to Image Attributes
- Select pels and set to 636x400
- Create your custom image
- Save the image as filename.BMP in the survey directory
- where filename is the name of the specific survey.
The Survey Respondent program detects files with
specific names and associates them with a corresponding question.
The survey administrator merely names a bitmap file with the
appropriate filename and file extension (three digit representation
of question number) to make this association.
To associate an image with a question:
- Run the MS-Paintbrush or graphics program that
is capable of generating a MS bitmap file (i.e. .BMP)
- Pull down Options and go to Image Attributes
- Select pels and set to 636x400
- Create your custom image
- Save the image to survey filename.XXX
An example would be to associate a bitmap file with
question number 11 of a survey called features. The survey file
name would be FEATURES.SDB. To associate a bitmap file named
EXPHOSP.BMP with question number 11, it would need to be copied
to the directory that contains the FEATURES survey and named FEATURES.011.
Additional Information
- Use 16 color images whenever possible rather
than 256 color bitmap files because they require less disk space
and because not all PC's video controllers are set up to view
more than 16 colors. It also takes less time to load and display
the image on the screen.
- Bitmap files should not be larger than 636 pels
(pixels) wide or 400 pels (pixels) high. Files larger than these
dimensions will not fit within the frame allotted for the image
and some of the picture will be clipped (not displayed).
- The image can be any bitmap. This allows for
very flexible use of image association. The image can be very
detailed instructions on how to answer a question. It could also
be background information that should be considered before answering
a question.
- A reference to the View Image command button
should be made to remind the respondent an image has been associated
with the question. This would be included in the normal text
of the question which is created with the Question Librarian program.
Copyright © Marketing Masters 1991-2001